Ways of working
We are a group of artists with learning disabilities. For people with a learning disability, people facing communication barriers or who are looking for Autism friendly opportunities We make visual artwork and performance in our own studio alongside a community of over 100 other artists at Phoenix Brighton.
We also often work alongside art students and staff from the University of Brighton and other artists. When we completed the Access to Art (a2a) course, which was an inclusive art course, we decided to set up our own Artists group so we could make more artwork, work with more artists and have more exhibitions and performances. Our first group exhibition 'Taking Off!', was in March 2007 at Phoenix Gallery.
Since then we have worked on many projects. For our latest Arts Council funded project, 'Side by Side: Learning disability, art and collaboration' we:
performed at Tate Modern (see the film here)
created a book published by Routledge (see here)
made the Manifesto for Inclusive Arts, draft 1 (see here)
launched Actions for an Inclusive Future (see here)
co-curated an exhibition of artwork and films by over 30 international arts organisations at Southbank, London
We have also made artwork and performed in other places such as Crawford Gallery, Cork in Ireland, Brighton Museum and Gallery, Pallant House, Chichester, The Hermitage and Kunstwerkplaates, Amsterdam as well as local galleries and spaces in Brighton.

What's the Future for an inclusive society?
See the Actions that came from the 20-20 Visioning seminar, Tate Modern. Sign up and connect with like-minded people. Get involved! (see more here)