Actions for Inclusive Society
Get involved, take Action, Side by Side
We invited 60 people to a 2020 visioning seminar at Tate Modern on July 1st, 2015. People came from a wide range of organisations that support learning disability arts: funders, skills and learning co-ordinators, inclusive arts facilitator, educators, artists, journalists, managers, key workers and academics.
Together we explored what needs to happen for a more inclusive society in the future, by the year 2020. We discussed the things that are challenging and then drew our solutions onto a coat pattern - which we plan to get made into a coat. Then everyone shared an Action to could start things off and invited each other to say when that should happen and to join forces if they wanted to be part of an Action group. We are putting those people in touch with each other.
You can get involved!
See all the Actions on the side of the page, and below as 3 lists
is there is an Action you would like to get involved with?
is there is one you are already doing?
Please let us know by using the email form at the bottom of the page:

Share stories
Pool resources
Share skills
Use whats available
Network and community gatherings
Construct communities
Use public spaces
Create space for fruitful collisions
Take art everywhere for everyone
Enable ambition
Get it out there
Prioritise the tough stuff
Creative hack day
More publicity
More representation on steering committees
Get to know your audience(s)
Improvised performances and daily actions
Opportunities for families with learning disabled members
Celebrate the everyday-ness of difference
Celebrate shyness day
More projects, more performances, more people, more support and key workers, more public spaces, more time
Listen and unlearn
Keep talking and showing
Be responsive
Use clear language and systems
Develop shared language
Rebuild conventions - start thinking differently
Consult children (other target groups) in decision-making
Allow equality and inclusive practice to inform all events, exhibitions and activities
Advocate that all funding is spent in inclusive ways
Allow arts organisations to be more fluid and able to respond meaningfully to different life experiences
Let us know what you are doing or sign up HERE to join an ACTION group